Wednesday 14 January 2009

NEPAD SADC Stakeholders Engagement Workshop

4-5 December 2008. Pretoria, South Africa. Eight SADC countries were involved in the sub-regional process focusing on NEPAD implementation at national level. The workshop which was attended by FARA was supported by the Belgian Government and the process leading up to it was conducted by the NEPAD Secretariat with the support of Southern Africa Trust (SAT).

More than 100 delegates and stakeholder partners from the Southern African Development Community region and beyond were present. The objectives of the two-day workshop were for SADC countries to share their experiences on NEPAD implementation; explore collective mechanisms for regional level engagement for NEPAD implementation, linking it to the national; consolidate lessons learnt from the engagement process based on national experiences and identify practical interventions; and device guidelines for future engagements with national and regional processes and structures on NEPAD implementation.

"SADC regional workshop focuses on NEPAD implementation" NEPAD Dialogue, December 5, 2008
Remarks by Deputy Minister Fatima Hajaig at the Southern African Development Community (SADC) stakeholders' engagement on New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), Development Bank of South Africa, Midrand, Gauteng